
Life Began in Brooklyn, Moved to the Sonora Desert in Tucson (u of A) to learn Mandarin, & Transitioned to Taiwan to Develop fluency in chinese and begin manufacturing Career..馬克來自布魯克林.上了圖森的亞利桑那大學..主修中國文化/國語

I (Mark Forman) grew up in Midwood Brooklyn, next door to Brooklyn College. I had a view of the Twin Towers from my bedroom window. I was always fascinated by the cultural and visual diversity of NYC. Peak experience-running talent booking and snack bar and record shop at Environ Jazz Loft t age 16.青少年成為音樂家

Going to U of A in Tucson was quite a contrast to the hustle and bustle of NYC. Learned to appreciate personal relationships and nature and picked up a language spoken by over a billion people: Mandarin Chinese.

Moved to Taiwan-got a job in big US fishing rod factory: Berkley/Fenwick/Fintek and was responsible for expediting 800 sku’s of 3 brands of rods with no RFID inventory system and s 3 day old WIP dot matrix printout . Took over production scheduling for stamped hardware dept and cleared up backlog that had existed for years in only 3 months time. Our former factory is now a Silicon Products semi-conductor plant…times change. Peak revelation: All these state of the art US branded sporting goods with “Made in Taiwan” in fine print on them. Far cry from the cheapo hair dryers and electric fans I thought was their only thing.來到台灣時開始接觸工廠多研究台灣工業情況.當我作美商工廠生管就發現台灣不只做查牌便宜貨也有做很多國際品牌OEM產品.這樣就多清楚一點台灣的本色.

Connector/Problem Solver

So many of my friends will ask me, “Mark are you a consultant?” That’s definitely part of my job: developing resources, applying them, managing the system while avoiding micro or over-managing, etc. One innate “gift” I’ve always had is being able to connect the right people together regardless of social or business setting. If you connect the right people and plan in the beginning there will be a lot less stuff to fix down the road.

Marlin has been in business for almost 30 years of international business. Notable accomplishments here: worked on tooling and production (injection molded caps for bar ends) for Onza bar ends, which originated that cool little ram horn on the end of the mountain bike grip which is now ubiquitous; original RollerBlade wheel base tooling (injection molded Nylon with GF fill) and production, numerous top model carbon tennis racket ( Wilson, Prince, Dunlop)  compression mold tooling, setting up composite ski pole and water ski factory, developing and producing Lyrrus GVox  (injection molded housing, custom wound pick up and PCB module) digital transcribing of guitar sound into musical score, developing InGel/ Loadlifter elastomeric comfort material  system as component in bag, shoe and luggage products, establishing AmCham Taichung  the representative chapter of the American Chamber of Commerce in central Taiwan-as a networking hub for international and local businessmen. We also have done numerous projects for market research and market sales development here for foreign companies: Rayzist,  Sterigenics, Brewed Chocolate,  etc.

Lastly, since it’s not all about business: volunteering and fundraising for Hsiang Shang Foundation which runs a large group home for kids that were in risky or harmful home environments and an orphanage for handicapped kids.賺錢很重要但一定要記得回饋社會。我參與向上基金會志願工

Talk to Us

Contact us about your project  needs. We will respond to you promptly and schedule a conference call! We are GMT+8 time. We hope to have the opportunity to put our fixer mojo to work for you!